Thursday, January 27, 2011

Motivation, eh?

What motivates us? I was recently viewing random inspirational talks on Youtube, and I stumbled upon this little gem of a video. I don't know, I just feel like I had to share it. This is how all motivational talks should look like, with visual aids, I think it makes it easier to understand. At first, I was only focusing on the drawings (I still am a kid, low attention span and whatnot), but I decided to just listen to it. It does make sense, that different people have different motivations. My motivation, for example, is to get better at what I do. I don't look for prizes, although the occasional recognition is a prize on its own. I do, however, appreciate it when people compliment on my output. It makes me feel good about my work, I guess. I want to learn new things, to try more styles, to develop what little talent I have. Simple as that.

1 comment:

  1. Great...everybody should read this post or watch the video at least...thanks for sharing...keep on blogging
